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Brands: New Balance, FAQs, Fashion, Foot Health, Orthopedic Footwear, Popular, Product Features, Product Reviews, Product: Running Shoes, Solutions, Trending -

New Balance is a brand known for its high-quality shoes, and the 990 series has become an iconic line. The latest offerings in this series are the New Balance 990v5 and the New Balance 990v6. While the two shoes share a lot of similarities, there are some notable differences that customers should be aware of when deciding which shoe to buy. In this article, we will explore the differences between the New Balance 990v5 and the New Balance 990v6 to help shoe stores sell more. Construction One of the main differences between the New Balance 990v5 and the New Balance...

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Brands: Hoka ONE ONE, Conditions: Arthritis, Conditions: Plantar Fasciitis, Foot Health, Orthopedic Footwear, Popular, Product Features, Product Reviews, Product: Rocker Sole, Product: Running Shoes, Professional Shoe Fitting, Solutions -

Shoes with a rocker sole or rocker bottom feature thicker-than-normal soles that are rounded at either the toe, the heel, or both. This curve is designed and placed strategically so that the wearer does not land flat footed but instead on a on a curve to reduce pressure on the foot.  Understanding the HOKA's Meta Rocker   If you have ever shopped HOKA ONE ONE footwear you may have noticed a technical specification stating "Meta-Rocker for a smooth ride". The Meta Rocker is a HOKA ONE ONE proprietary technology that combines a low heel-toe drop and a traditional rounded sole rocker. This combination complements your natural stride and...

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